Interior Design - Bachelor's Degree Course

The Bachelor’s degree course Interior Design is the first stage in the training to become an interior designer. The emphasis of the course lies in artistic, constructional design, creative and scientific subjects. In the first two semesters students are taught the basic principles of the focal points mentioned above. From the second semester, conceptual design, the synthesis of all the skills to be acquired by the students stated above, becomes an integral part of the course.

A multifaceted range of elective subjects awaits the students from the fourth semester to enable them to develop their own focal points in their studies. The course is accompanied by excursions, specialist lectures and impromptu designs. The course is completed by the Bachelor dissertation.

Study Counseling

Course Content

Artistic proficiency: e.g. drawing, experimental design, photography, lighting design, colour and materials

Design and planning proficiency: e.g. planning and illustration using digital media, planning and design methods

Technical proficiency: e.g. furniture and interior fittings design, building design and technical fittings

Academic proficiency: e.g. cultural history and history of art, colour and cognitive psychology

Job Description

The interior designer designs complete concepts and detailed solutions for the interiors of buildings as well as temporary and mobile pieces of architecture. This includes creating arrangements for public places and places with prestige-related functions (e.g. foyers, museums) and the designing of business premises (e.g. shops, restaurants). Some other important areas of work concern the business world (e.g. offices, service industry) and recreation and the living environment (e.g. customised and serial furniture, kitchen planning). The interior designer addresses the issues of the basic formal design of interiors and their structural arrangement, the selection of materials and products, colour and lighting concepts, the design and harmony of the furniture and finishings, as well as the integration of technology and media.

The design products used by the interior designer contribute to lending creative expression to social ideals and requirements in the place of work, in the world of business, in the area of recreation and in the living environment.


Academic Degree

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)



Campus / Distance learning

Studies on campus

Normal period

7 Semester

Start of studies

to the winter semester

Place of study


Classroom Languages



This course has an accreditation

Conditions for admission
  • Hochschul- bzw. Fachhochschulreife


  • Nachweis des Abschlusses einer anderen Vorbildung, die im Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern als gleichwertig anerkannt wird


  • Bestehen einer Zugangsprüfung (für Bewerber ohne Hochschul- bzw. Fachhochschulreife) nach mindestens zweijähriger Berufsausbildung und mindestens dreijähriger beruflicher Tätigkeit in einem Berufsfeld, welches einen unmittelbaren Sachzusammenhang zum angestrebten Studiengang aufweist.


  • Bestehen einer Prüfung als Abschluss einer Fortbildung zum Meister/ Meisterin nach dem Berufsbildungsgesetz oder der Handwerksordnung in der jeweils gültigen Fassung


  • Nachweis über ein Vorpraktikum von mindestens zehn Wochen in Handwerksbetrieben


  • erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Prüfung über den Nachweis einer entsprechenden künstlerischen Befähigung – dieses Verfahren beinhaltet die Einreichung einer Mappe mit künstlerisch-gestalterischen Arbeiten sowie eine Eignungsprüfung